Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Air Pollution - Hippies 4 Life
We have already elaborated on what actually causes the pollution of air itself, so we'll take a gander at what they are doing to clear the skies. Weather it involves driving less or smoking less cigars....i don't know. So let's learn together.
In 1992, the united nations coined Mexico City as having one of the places with the most polluted air. On the planet. (imagine their faces). Six years later, the same air earned Mexico the title “the most dangerous city in the world for children”, otherwise known as the Disneyland from hell.
So....the main point. What are they doing to clean it up? Well, certainly not with a mop and pail in hand. First of all, they figured that since the people were the ones who made the air filthy, the very same people would be the ones cleaning it up. Through games and participatory activities, Mexico's leaders helped forge a sense of community.
Well, that's all for today. Take a leaf out of their books, and learn from them. Check back for more, yeah?
Friday, September 18, 2009
About air pollution in china
One of the serious negative consequences has been increased pollution, smog, and degradation of natural resources. Much solid waste is not properly disposed of. Water pollution is a source of health problems across the country, and air pollution causes up to 1,750,000 premature deaths each year.
The government has plans to enhance sewage and rubbish treatment facilities and prevent water pollution, accelerate green belt and natural forest planting programs, and increase energy conservation initiatives and pollution control projects.
Industrial pollution
Air pollution caused by industrial plants
Industrial pollution has its most severe impact on the poor and in
Air pollution
Two-thirds of the 338 cities in china are considered polluted—two-thirds of them moderately or severely so. Respiratory, Cancer and heart diseases related to air pollution are the leading cause of death. Acid rain falls on 30% of the country. The World Health Organization has found that about 750,000 people die prematurely each year from respiratory problems in
During the 2008 Olympic Games in
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Air Pollution- Rawwwrx3
The most common thing that is deadly yet it is happening
Why is this pollution so common YET as harmful?
What can we do about it?
These are some common question asked and eventually answered.
Here are some answers to some questions.
Why is air pollution so common yet so harmful?-
Well, one of the most common pollution is air pollution. Usually it is caused by forest fires, factories and dust etc. Air pollution happens when te air is filled with too much gases, particulate matter, and droplets of liquid. These are caused by our normal lifestyles and work.In most of the countries, air pollutions are caused by gases produced by vehicles and construction work industries. In some countries, air pollution is caused by forest fire and that will cause haze. Some examples of these countries are Indonesia, Thailand and Etc.
How Harmful/Deadly can air pollution be?-
Research shows that more than half of the people think that air pollution is not as harmful/deadly. These people are the kind of people that are most likely contributing to air pollution. These are some of the facts about what air pollution can do-
Air pollution Facts:
According to a study, living in a major city places people at a higher risk than living in the radioactive zone in Chernobyl.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 2 million premature deaths are caused each year due to air pollution in cities across the world.
A recent study has revealed that exposure to fine particle matter in polluted air increases the risk of hospitalization due to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
According to a German study, people who breathe in the fumes of heavy traffic regularly have higher chances of getting hardening of the arteries, which is associated with the risk of heart attack.
A Scottish study has shown that jogging with traffic around results in reduced blood flow to the heart. This is particularly dangerous for people with stable heart disease, because it can trigger off cardiac arrhythmia or even a heart attack.
According to a study conducted on eight-year-olds in Mexico City, being exposed for a long time to high levels of polluted air reduces lung function and growth in children.
According to a 20-year study conducted on the residents of Los Angeles, it has been shown that the adverse effects of air pollution have been grossly underestimated. The researchers opine that chronic health problems due to particulate matter in the air may be double or even triple times greater than the estimates available currently.
What I can do to help save Mother Earth?
You can do your part by contributing back to nature. You can conserve energy and use energy-saving items. It may be costly at first but if you are using eco-friendly items, you save a lot more than what you've spent for it, your bills will be reduced.
It would be healthy if you could walk or cycle to your workspace or school everyday. You save on petrol, you will be healthier and most importantly, you are contributing backto nature by helping to prevent air pollution.You have done your part.If you really nid to use transport, try using compressed natural gas (CNG) and you will be helping the environment with your act.
Conserve Energy
As i've said before,conserving energy would be benefiting yourself as well as contributing to the environment. Switch off all eectrical appliances when not in use. Do Not Waste! Buy smart- Buy smart means you buy on eco-green/friendly items. A Normal Light Bulb may cost cheaper but an eco- friendly/green Light Bulb would reduce your bill to at least $15 A Year* but it may bea little costly. Well surely that would not be a problem as yo are doing your part to save the environment and saving your bills.
Those are some ways that you can help contributin to the environment and benefiting yourself at the same time.
Plant a tree to help the environment , Do Not tie yourself to a tree and go on strike. It MAY be an idea but it is not... good?or something.
For more information on planting a tree, please scroll down.
These are basically some ways on what to do when an air pollution attack occurs:
Try staying indoors as much as possible in the daytime. Usually the air indoors is less polluted than outdoors.
If you cannot avoid going outside, try to do it in the early morning or after sunset. This is particularly important when there are high levels of ozone, which is usually the case in many big cities, because sunshine triggers off the creation of ozone.
When the pollution levels are high, try not to exert yourself. The harder you breathe, the more polluted air you inhale into your lungs
These steps would be enough to help you for now.
Now that you know what air pollution can do,share your knowledge with your friends,family or people close to your, Save planet Earth
1 person may not change the world by him/herself, but that 1 person is the start to making a big change to the world
*If Precautious are followed and not wasted.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Air Pollution - Hippies 4 Life
-Motor Vehicles: Some, if most of us own a vroom vroom. These metal shells provide us with a form of transport. No doubt, they are quick and efficient, however, they stink. These hulking mass of steel and iron gargle petroleum like it was Saturday night. So, as you would have figured out by now, don't use personal transport. Just get on a bus. Sure, the wait is a pain in the a**, and that old woman that's staring at you from the opposite seat may be creepy, but at least you're saving the environment. Go hippies. Hoorah. And if you think the idea of taking the bus is really such an unbearable idea that it feels like a blade through your arm, ride a bike.
-Lights: Illumination. Provides us with the ability to see what is in front of us, not stumbling like some guy who has had too much to drink at the bar. The basic step, if you see a light not in use, off it. The simple act of flipping a switch leads to a small amount of electricity being saved. This, in turn, allows the power plant to stop churning out as much. Less poof poofs.
-Heat and Cold: We have one of the best inventions to look at in this topic. The air-conditioner uses a s**t load of electricity. So, as an alternate way of providing cold to your sleeping conditions, just strip. Yep, don't wear any clothes. Coooool. Nudist party!!!
-Plants and Trees: You know those pieces of paper we use to disturb chee hau all the time? If we use more paper to disturb him, more trees would be cut down. So, to save the trees, who have no mouths to thank us with, just reuse paper. Throw a piece at chee hau? Throw it again. And since these trees are the producers to our precious oxygen.....well, this speaks for itself, eh?
That's all for today's post. Check back for more, yeah?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Air Pollution Part10 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)
"National Tree Day, proudly sponsored by Toyota, is Australia's biggest community tree-planting event. This year's event, held on Sunday 2 August, saw more than a million native trees and shrubs planted at over 3,000 sitesaround the country. This wonderful achievement is the result of thousands of schools, community and green groups, as well as hundreds of local councils who facilitated tree-planting projects in their local area. To the groups and individuals who made this event such a wonderful success. In 2010, Nation Tree Day will be held on Sunday 1st August with Schools Tree Day taking place on Friday 30th July."
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Air Pollution Part9 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)

Enforced air quality standards, like the Clean Air Act in the United States, have reduced the presence of some pollutants. While major stationary sources are often identified with air pollution, the greatest source of emissions are actually mobile sources, principally the automobile. There are many available air pollution control technologies and urban planning strategies available to reduce air pollution; however, worldwide costs of addressing the issue are high. The most immediate method of improving air quality would be the use of bio ethanol fuel, bio diesel, solar energy, and hybrid vehicle technologies.
The World Health Organization estimates that 4.6 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution. Many of these moralities are attributable to indoor air pollution. Worldwide more deaths per year are linked to air pollution than to automobile accidents. Research published in 2005 suggests that 310,000 Europeans die from air pollution annually. Direct causes of air pollution related deaths include aggravated asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung and heart diseases, and respiratory allergies.
The Government has introduced a number of pieces of legislation to improve air quality over the past decade, for example, the prohibition of leaded petrol has eliminated lead emissions from vehicle fuels. Changes have been made to reduce the emissions of the seven key pollutants. Energy conservation schemes aim to reduce emissions from power stations by reducing the amount of electricity used. Every local authority is being required to work towards reducing air pollution within their district by introducing appropriate measures.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Air pollution -Hippies 4 life
1) Sulfur Oxides: These things are coughed up by volcanoes all the time. And, guess what? When we burn Coal and Petroleum, they are also produced. Double Oorah. Oh, is that the worst? No. When it comes into contact with Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphuric acid, you get a nice little cocktail of ACID RAIN! *Ahem*.
2) Nitrogen Oxides: It is a reddish-brown toxic gas, normally seen above factories and rubbish-burning centres. They come from high temperature combustion, and has a sharp, biting odor. *sniff* *sniff*.
3) Carbon Monoxide: Ah, everybody's favourite. This oh-so-beautiful gas is odourless and colurless, AND it kills! Sleep well at night, yeah?
4) Carbon dioxide: Yeah, yeah, yeah, greenhouse gas. Shove off.
5) Metals: Lead, copper, chickens, name it.
6) Chlorofluorocarbons: What a long name! Harmful to the ozone layer and banned from use....hmm...anyone know where we can get some?
7) Ammonia: Found in pee, stinks like pee, looks like pee(citation needed). Hazardous.
8) Odors: dumpsters, garbage, sewage, granny's armpit....euch.
Now that that's out of the way, let's do another on where those lovely contaminants may come from, shall we?
-Power Plants(sleepy...)
-Vehicles(vroom vroom)
-Fumes(from aerosol sprays, varnish...etc)
-Military weapons(boom boom)
-Methane(Poot. Hehe.)
-Radon(cool name)
-Volcanoes(earth's very own boom booms)
All right, that's it for this post. Check back, yeah?
Air Pollution Part7 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Air Pollution Part5 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)
Air Pollution Part4 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)

The major concern with air pollution relates to its effects on humans. Since most people spend most of their time indoors, there has been increased interest in air-pollution concentrations in homes, workplaces, and shopping areas. Much of the early information on health effects came from occupational health studies completed prior to the implementation of general air-quality standards.
How Air Pollution can damage the Heart:
Sitting in traffic can certainly be infuriating enough to raise your blood pressure. But new research shows that traffic can raise your blood pressure and put your heart at risk in a more direct way - by exposing you to the pollution in exhaust fumes.
It can affect your Health: |
You can’t choose the air you breathe in and you need enormous amounts of it - 26,000 breaths worth a day. That adds up to 14,000 litres or about 150 bathtubs full. So, even small amounts of pollution can really add up. The health effects can range from triggering or worsening of asthma, eye, throat and lung irritations and respiratory diseases. These can put extra strain on other systems of the body and lead to heart and circulation problems (cardio pulmonary). Young people and the elderly are most at risk. |
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Air Pollution Part2 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)

How Do We Cause Air Pollution?
We cause air pollution directly through our use of electricity, fuels, and transportation.
We also cause air pollution indirectly, when we buy goods and services that use energy in their production and delivery. Most of this air pollution we cause results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a good indicator of how much fossil fuel is burned and how much of other pollutants are emitted as a result. Using carbon dioxide as an example, the average family in the United States causes air pollution in the following ways:
- Carpool- This will help to reduce the number of vehicles on the already congested roads.
- Always keep your car tuned properly so that it remains in a good condition.
- Save energy- Try to use minimum amounts of natural gas and even electricity. Whenever possible, avoid the use of air conditioner and use a fan instead.
- Always buy recycled products.
- Reuse things such as paper and plastic bags, paper etc. This will contribute a lot towards reducing the effects of air pollution and global warming.
- Avoid the use of firecrackers. You don’t really need it to express your feeling of happiness.
- Go in for water-based paints instead of varnishes.
- If you really cannot avoid using your car, plan your work systematically to reduce air pollution.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Air Pollution Part1 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)

Thursday, September 3, 2009
About Air Pollution - Yan Min (Member)

An air pollutant is known as a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases.
Sources of air pollution refer to the various locations, activities or factors which are responsible for the releasing of pollutants in the atmosphere
Health Effects

The World Health Organization states that 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly to air pollution, with 1.5 million of these deaths to indoor air pollution. Direct causes of air pollution related deaths include aggravated asthma, lung and heart diseases, and respiratory allergies.
The health effects caused by air, people have difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions. These effects can result in increased medication use, increased doctor or emergency room visits, more hospital admissions and premature death. The human health effects of poor air quality are far reaching, but principally affect the body's respiratory system.