Friday, September 11, 2009

Air Pollution Part7 - Tan En Li (Group Leader)

"One man, can make a difference."
As a Singaporean, do you part and take precautions to prevent Air Pollution.

1) Consider taking alternative transportation, such as walking and cycling. These transports not only prevents contamination of air but also helps you in exercising. (Killing two birds with one stone!) Also, you could try carpooling or telecommuting.

2) Refuel your car in the evening instead of during the day, when heat allows emissions in the air and from gas to form ground-level ozone. If you must drive a car, try to complete your errands at one shot.

3) If your workplace doesn't have a cafeteria, campaign towards such services so you wouldn't have to travel one place to another to have meals.

4) Avoid purchasing products that come in aerosol spary cans; try solid, gel and liquid forms instead. Avoid using lighter fluid when barbecuing. Instead, use an electric or chimney briquette starter.

5) Remember the quote, "Reduce Reuse Recycle"? Manufacturing of unnecessary or disposable goods often produces air pollution, so reduced purchasing of disposables will help. Thus, reducing air pollution!

6) Start planting leafy trees and shrubs! Deciduous trees and shrubs (the kinds that drop leaves in the fall) are excellent air filters to help reduce smog and cool the air on hot summer days.

7) Start a anti-Air Pollution club! And reach out to others to prevent air pollution.

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